Sunday, December 1, 2013

Essential Things to Know About a Pregnancy Calculator

The most common feeling a women gets during pregnancy is anxiety. The sudden hormonal changes in the body of women make them excited as well as frighten them. Women always have the urge to know about all the details of their body as well as that of the baby during pregnancy on a regular basis. But it is not always possible to consult the gynecologist every time.

But how can one solve this problem? The solution lies with the invention of new pregnancy determining devices called the pregnancy calculators. This calculator is a device which determines the approximate date f conception and hence the due date i.e. indirectly the total duration of the gestation period. These just provide average values depending on the input of the user. One cannot completely rely on the information these calculators provide. The actual due date may be earlier or much later than what the calculator suggests.

The functioning of the calculator depends upon the correctness of the information that the user provides. A pregnancy calculator works on the basis of 28 day menstrual cycle. The first day of the menstrual period is considered for calculation. The process of ovulation generally occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. There are also other factors which affect the duration of gestation period like the age of the mother, her lifestyle etc.

All the calculations are based on the regularity of menstrual cycle. But in most cases, women experience irregular periods. Hence the due date given by the calculator is unreliable. There are some calculators which are used to determine the trimester duration and some which give weekly updates. One can easily get such calculators online. But it is always a better choice to consult the doctor regarding the due dates rather than simply depending on an electronic device.